Our pledge to work towards achieving a climate-positive campus is aligned with how we serve our students and the world that they will inherit. The University’s Strategic Framework commits us to intensify sustainability initiatives across the entire university. Every part of our capital planning incorporates sustainability. From the materials we choose to the source of energy our buildings use to lighting and window choices, we are thinking about the planet’s future.
The Victoria University Sustainability Committee, led by the Department of Infrastructure and Sustainability, was established in 2018 and promotes multi-discipline sustainability initiatives across campus in partnership with students, faculty, staff and external stakeholders.

Community Engagement Initiatives
- Increased student representation and meetings in the Sustainability Committee
- Established the Department of Infrastructure and Sustainability
- Broadend funding eligibility with the Sustainability Fund
- Published strategic reports on zero-waste initiatives
- Formed the Vic Sustainability Committee
- Promoted recycling and waste diversion programs
- Developed a climate action plan with U of T and Vic stakeholders (ongoing)

Sustainable Energy Solutions
- Victoria University ends ownership of land bequeathed to the University in 2003, which had on its property, an oil well
- Victoria University commits to divesting from fossil fuel producers
- Windows replaced/refurbished at Annesley Hall residences, Bowles/Gandier house, Lillian Massey building, McKinsey building
- Replaced chiller for energy-efficient air conditioning at E.J. Pratt Library
- Lighting retrofitted to LED throughout campus (ongoing)
- Replaced campus exterior lamp posts with energy-efficient lighting
- Replaced fan coil units in Upper Burwash rooms
- Replaced air conditioning unit for Victoria College mailroom
- Stage lighting retrofitted to LED in the Isabel Bader Theatre
- All new electrical lighting fixtures are to be LED
- Installed Variable Speed Drive in building ventilation fans and pump motors
- Build automation systems for scheduling and remote monitoring
- Installed motion sensor lights where possible
- Use high-efficiency mechanical and electrical equipment
- Replaced fan coil units in Rowell Jackman Hall
- Replaced the air-cooled chiller on the roof of the Lillian Massey building

Waste Reduction and Recycling
- Water bottle filling stations installed across Vic campus
- Added larger signage on recycling bins in Rowell Jackman Hall
- Compost bin pilot project started at Annesley Hall
- Gradual replacement of bottled water with Tetra Pak alternatives
- Separation of compostables, recyclables, and trash in food service areas
- Use of locally sourced produce whenever possible
- Gradual move from disposable food containers to more eco-friendly alternatives

Water Conservation
- Installed sub-meters for irrigation systems
- Plumbing fixtures replaced with low-flow alternatives
- Programmed sprinkler systems for improved and optimized irrigation
Sustainability Committee Annual Reports
Initiatives for 2023-2024
- Pledged to become a Blue Community member, recognizing water and sanitation as human rights, banning or phasing out the sale of bottled water, and promoting publicly financed, owned, and operated water and wastewater services.
- Release of final Margaret Addison Hall field geothermal feasibility report.
- Publish final mechanical and electrical design and sustainability standards to promote sustainability.
- Tender consulting firms to carry out 2050 sustainability plan; funding to be provided for this work through Sustainability Fund.
- Upgrade to energy-efficient LED lighting fixtures in Emmanuel College and Victoria College.
- Conduct engineering study to determine the integrity of the domestic cold water supply system in Emmanuel College to ensure branch piping integrity proactively and address deteriorated sections of piping as part of overall water conservation.
- Replaced windows at Caven House to improve energy efficiency of heritage site and reduce drafts.
- Replaced conventional roof in the E.J. Pratt Library with higher efficiency insulated roof to reduce heating common loads.
- Replaced the electric domestic water heaters in the basement of Isabel Bader Theatre to higher efficiency per electrical and sustainability design standards.
Sustainability Annual Report 2022-23: Energy Savings and Sustainability Initiatives
- Installation of two electric vehicle charging stations in Rowell Jackman Hall available to monthly pass holders to promote sustainable commute.
- Replacement/refurbishment of windows at Bowles Gandier House to improve the energy efficiency of the heritage site and reduce drafts.
- Continuation of replacement of bathroom plumbing fixtures with new low flow fixtures in Lower Burwash Hall residence to reduce water consumption.
- Preparation of scope of work to replace/refurbish windows at First House (2024) and Nelles House (2025) to improve energy efficiency and reduce drafts.
- Replacement of the domestic water circulation pump in the Isabel Bader Theatre to a higher efficiency motor.
- Conversion to energy-efficient electric source from steam for domestic hot water system in E.J. Pratt Library.
Initiatives for 2022-23
Starting in 2022, once university business operations and occupancy reverts to pre-pandemic levels, third-party consultant to carry out energy audits of all our facilities and compare results data to peer facilities to measure energy efficiency performances and improvements required; audits to take place over two years to allow for seasonal observations.
Planning and installation of standardized 3-compartment bins (garbage, recycling and organics) at all campus buildings and grounds.
Ongoing installation of additional bottle filling stations on campus to reduce plastic bottle waste.
Complete Phase 2 geothermal study at Margaret Addison Hall field.
Develop Vic specific climate action plan in collaboration with U of T and Vic stakeholders.
Publish final mechanical and electrical design standards to promote sustainability.
Consideration for sub-metering of energy use (mechanical and electrical) in all buildings.
Consulting services for replacement/refurbishment of windows at Lower Burwash Hall (phase 2).
Victoria University Commits to Divest from Fossil Fuel Producers. Read more.
Sustainability Annual Report 2021-22: Energy Savings and Sustainability Initiatives
- Continuing promotion of recycling and waste diversion program from the Sustainability Committee such as the feasibility of a standardized 3-compartment garbage bins and the possible introduction of incentive programs (i.e. “bring your own mug”) via education.
- Installation of sub-meters for the campus-wide irrigation systems to create a baseline and allow remote readings taken regularly, and mitigate water waste.
- Creation of Mechanical, Electrical and Construction design standards for Victoria University in compliance with The Energy Modelling Standards. New construction and major renovations where applicable must meet or exceed prescribed energy efficiency standards.
- Replacement/refurbishment of windows at Annesley Hall residences to reduce heat loss/drafts and to protect the integrity of this heritage structure.
- Replacement of kitchen and bathroom plumbing fixtures with new low flow fixtures in Lower Burwash Hall Residence.
- Energy efficiency feasibility study to install a geothermal system at the Margaret Addison Hall field; phase 1 completed and phase 2 to start in 2022. Phase 2 includes drilling of boreholes for soil samples and suitability, scheduled for summer 2022.
- Refurbishing of exterior windows at McKinsey building to reduce heat loss, increase efficiency and building structure integrity.
- Replacement of chiller for air conditioning systems in the EJ Pratt Library with energy efficient chiller resulting in $15,000 in energy reduction rebate from save-on-energy program. Going forward, reduction in hydro consumption at EJ Pratt through summer cooling season.
- Sustainability Committee terms of reference modified to increase student representation by two and addition of one sustainability meeting a year to three Sustainability Committee meetings a year
- Creation of the department of Infrastructure and Sustainability to align with the University’s strategic plan and its pillars.
- The Geothermal Fund becomes the Sustainability Fund to broaden funding eligibility for a variety of sustainability initiatives, feasibility studies and waste diversion.
Sustainability Annual Report 2020-21: Energy Savings and Sustainability Initiatives
- Publication of “Vic Zero Waste: Our Mission” strategic report by VUSAC Sustainability Commission in November 2020.
- On-going lighting retrofits throughout campus to LED such as in the Isabel Bader Theatre, Burwash Houses hallways, Annesley Hall hallways.
- Replacement of all campus exterior lamp posts with LED energy efficient lighting; all fixtures programmed to accommodate seasonal variations to enhance safety.
- Replacement/refurbishment of all windows at Bowles/Gandier house to reduce heat loss/drafts and to protect the integrity of this heritage structure.
- Replacement of fan coil units in Upper Burwash rooms, common areas, stairwells and service rooms. New units are specified with energy-efficient motors.
- Replacement of the air conditioning unit for Victoria College mailroom with higher efficiency electric motors.
Sustainability Annual Report 2019-20: Energy Savings and Sustainability Initiatives
- Installation of bottle water filling stations to reduce plastic water bottle waste at Emmanuel College, Victoria College, Burwash Dining Hall Servery, Goldring Student Centre Commuter Lounge.
- Larger signage was installed in Rowell Jackman Hall on blue recycling bins to promote waste diversion.
- Presentation of “Vic Zero Waste: Our Mission” project by VUSAC Sustainability Commission to Sustainability Committee aiming to promote education to students and residents related to organic and recycling waste streams.
- Installation of compost bin pilot on the second floor of the kitchen of Annesley Hall, received positively. Further discussion at Sustainability Committee meetings to expand composting at campus.
- Replacement of the building heating and domestic hot water equipment in Burwash Hall residences with variable speed drive pump motors to reduce energy consumption.
- Creation of a designated tab on sustainability on the University website to highlight sustainability initiatives.
Sustainability Annual Report 2018-2019: Energy Savings and Sustainability Initiatives
- Forming of Vic Sustainability Committee, with terms and references.
- Active promotion of recycling and waste diversion via our Sustainability Committee.
- Bottle filling station installation in the EJ Pratt Librar, Isabel Bader Theatre and Cat’s Eye.
- Washroom upgrades in Burwash Dining Hall, Annesley Hall and Emmanuel College: washroom fixtures have low flow and washbasins have been equipped with motion sensors.
- Window refurbishment in Lillian Massey building.
- Stage lighting retrofit to LED in the Isabel Bader Theatre; completion expected in next two months.
- All new electrical lighting fixtures to be LED.
- All new and replacement of building ventilation fans and pump motors to have Variable Speed Drive to ensure maximum efficiency at all load conditions: Isabel Bader Theatre, Annesley Hall and Rowell Jackman Hall already undertaken.
- Building Automation systems must facilitate scheduling of heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems as per occupancy in academic sites. Future improvements to include remote monitoring of all systems, including utilities use.
- Motion sensor lights in as many spaces as safely possible.
- Programmed sprinkler systems for grounds irrigation to reduce water usage.
- All new mechanical and electrical equipment must be rated as high efficiency.
- Replacement of fan coil units in Rowell Jackman Hall: 137 digital thermostats with high efficiency motors.
- Replacement of air-cooled chiller on roof in Lillian Massey building using high efficiency unit, less kilowatts compared to old chiller.
Future initiatives:- Consideration for sub-metering of energy use (mechanical and electrical) in all buildings.
- Installation of water meters to the feeds for grounds sprinkler systems to accurately note usage.
- All campus exterior lamp posts (approx. 125) to be replaced with LED lighting in next two to three years in phased projects. All fixtures will also be programmed to accommodate seasonal variations.
- Creation of Mechanical, Electrical and Construction design standards for Victoria University in compliance with The Energy Modelling Standard that must be met for new designs, new construction and major renovations. We expect to have these standards formalized in one year.
- Within next two years, have a third party consultant carry our Energy Audits of all our facilities and compare results data to peer facilities to measure energy efficiency performances.
- Continue with bottle water filling stations installation at all our facilities to reduce plastic water bottle use.
- Starting in 2020, carry out multi-year projects to replace/refurbish all windows at Burwash Hall residences to reduce heat loss/drafts and to protect the integrity of this heritage structure.
- Within one year, engage an Energy Efficiency Consultant to carry out feasibility of installing a Geo Thermal system and Solar panels at our Campus.
- Continue with lighting retrofits throughout campus to LED.
- Designated tab for sustainability on this website.
Sustainability Committee Terms of Reference
Sustainability Committee: Terms of References February 2025
February 2025 (PDF)
Terms of Reference and Membership for The Sustainability Committee at Victoria University
Terms of Reference to include two sections:
- Membership
- Mandate
- Associate CAO, Infrastructure and Sustainability (Chair of the Committee)
- Bursar and CAO
- Associate CAO, Financial and Revenue Services
- Associate Director, Hospitality Services
- One representative from the Office of the Dean of Students
- VUSAC Sustainability Commissioner elected by members of VUSAC
- VUSAC appointee, Sustainability Co-Chair
- ECSS Sustainability Chair elected by members of ECSS
- One student representative from the Residence Councils (appointed by VUSAC in direct consultation with Dean’s office)
- Two VUSAC appointees for a 2-year term: two student representatives, responsible for a 2-year term. *
- Administrative Manager, Department of Infrastructure and Sustainability, in the capacity of recording secretary
- Senior Administrators, including the President, will be invited to participate in meetings if their schedules permit it.
*Notes for the two student representatives:
- The 2-year term will be made clear when advertising for the positions.
- For the first year (2021-2022) one of those roles will be a 1-year term. That way, the two-year terms will overlap to provide student leadership continuity for the committee moving forward.
- The Sustainability Commissioner will be responsible for hiring around June/July to fit with the Sustainability Co-Chair hiring timeline.
- Exclusions for this role: VUSAC Exec, VUSAC Commissioners, Committee Co-Chairs.
- Dean’s Office to support hiring and promoting the opportunity for students.
Mandate: The Sustainability Committee is strictly an advisory committee to the University.
- To promote sustainability and greening initiatives throughout the campus, its operations, and functions.
- To advise the Victoria University Senior Administration on sustainable projects which can be undertaken.
- To advise on ways to reduce our carbon footprint, feasibility of solar arrays, Geothermal, Net Zero initiatives, etc.
- To advise on inclusion of minimum and verifiable sustainability standards (LEED, Net Zero, LED’s, irrigation, Geothermal etc.) in our planning and design standards.
- To advise on waste diversion and waste reduction initiatives.
- To be the green ambassadors for VIC.
- To keep records of projects undertaken to improve sustainability on campus.
- To meet in February, September, and the last week of November with formal minutes recorded.
- To liaise with The University of Toronto’s Tri-Campus Sustainability Committee to share and exchange information on green initiatives.
- To prepare an annual report for the committee.
Sustainability Committee: Terms of References March 2022
March 2022
Terms of Reference and Membership for The Sustainability Committee at Victoria University
Terms of Reference to include two sections:
- Membership
- Mandate
- Executive Director, Department of Infrastructure and Sustainability (Chair of the Committee)
- Bursar and CAO
- Director of Business and Ancillary Operations
- One representative from the Office of the Dean of Students
- VUSAC Sustainability Commissioner elected by members of VUSAC
- VUSAC appointee, Sustainability Co-Chair
- One student representative from the Residence Councils (appointed by VUSAC in direct consultation with Dean’s office)
- Two VUSAC appointees for a two-year term: two student representatives, responsible for a two-year term.*
- Administrative Manager, Department of Infrastructure and Sustainability, in the capacity of recording secretary
- Senior Administrators including the President will be invited to participate in meetings if their schedules permit it.
*Notes for the two student representatives:
- The two-year term will be made clear when advertising for the positions.
- For the first year (2021-2022) one of those roles will be a one-year term. That way, the two-year terms will overlap to provide student leadership continuity for the committee moving forward.
- The Sustainability Commissioner will be responsible for hiring around June/July to fit with the Sustainability Co-Chair hiring timeline.
- Exclusions for this role: VUSAC Exec, VUSAC Commissioners, Committee Co-Chairs.
- Dean’s Office to support in hiring and promoting the opportunity for students.
Mandate: The Sustainability committee is strictly an advisory committee to the University.
- To promote sustainability and greening initiatives throughout the campus, its operations and functions.
- To advise the Victoria University Senior Administration on sustainable projects which can be undertaken.
- To advise on ways to reduce our carbon footprint, the feasibility of solar arrays, Geo-Thermal, Net Zero initiatives, etc.
- To advise on the inclusion of minimum and verifiable sustainability standards (LEED, Net Zero, LEDs, irrigation, Geo-Thermal etc.) in our planning and design standards.
- To advise on waste diversion and waste reduction initiatives.
- To be the green ambassadors for VIC.
- To keep records of projects undertaken to improve sustainability on campus.
- To meet in February, September and the last week of November with formal minutes recorded.
- To liaise with The University of Toronto’s Tri-Campus Sustainability Committee to share and exchange information on green initiatives.
Sustainability Committee: Terms of Reference April 2021
Terms of Reference and Membership for The Sustainability Committee at Victoria University
Terms of Reference to include two sections:
- Membership
- Mandate
- Executive Director, Department of Infrastructure and Sustainability
- Bursar and CAO
- Director of Business and Ancillary Operations
- One representative from the Office of the Dean of Students
- VUSAC Sustainability Commissioner elected by members of VUSAC
- VUSAC appointee, Sustainability Co-Chair
- One student representative from the Residence Councils (appointed by VUSAC in direct consultation with Dean’s office)
- Two VUSAC appointees for a two-year term: two student representatives, responsible for a two-year term.*
- Administrative Manager, Department of Infrastructure and Sustainability
- Senior Administrators including the President will be invited to participate in meetings if their schedules permit it.
*Notes for the two student representatives:
- The two-year term will be made clear when advertising for the positions.
- For the first year (2021-2022) one of those roles will be a one-year term. That way, the two-year terms will overlap to provide student leadership continuity for the committee moving forward.
- The Sustainability Commissioner will be responsible for hiring around June/July to fit with the Sustainability Co-Chair hiring timeline.
- Exclusions for this role: VUSAC Exec, VUSAC Commissioners, Committee Co-Chairs.
- Dean’s Office to support in hiring and promoting the opportunity for students.
Mandate: The Sustainability committee is strictly an advisory committee to University.
- To promote sustainability and greening initiatives throughout the campus, its operations and functions.
- To advise the Victoria University Senior Administration on sustainable projects which can be undertaken.
- To advise on ways to reduce our carbon footprint, the feasibility of solar arrays, Geo Thermal, Net Zero initiatives, etc.
- To advise on the inclusion of minimum and verifiable sustainability standards (LEED, Net Zero, LEDs, irrigation, Geo-Thermal etc.) in our planning and design standards.
- To advise on waste diversion and waste reduction initiatives.
- To be the green ambassadors for VIC.
- To keep records of projects undertaken to improve sustainability on campus.
- To meet in February, September and the last week of November with formal minutes recorded.
- To liaise with The University of Toronto’s Tri-Campus Sustainability Committee to share and exchange information on green initiatives.
- To prepare an annual report for the committee.
Sustainability Committee: Terms of Reference Sept. 2018
Terms of Reference to include two sections:
- Membership
- Mandate
1. Director of Physical Plant (Chair of the Committee) or his/her designate.
2. Bursar and CAO
3. Director of Business and Ancillary Services
4. One representative from the Dean of Students
5. Two representatives from VUSAC per academic year
6. One student representative from Residence Council
7. Administrative Manager, Physical Plant, in the capacity of recording secretary
8. Senior Administrators including President to attend meetings as guests whenever possible
Mandate: Sustainability committee is strictly an advisory committee to University.
1. To promote sustainability and greening initiatives throughout the campus, its operations and functions.
2. Advise Senior Administration on sustainable projects which can be undertaken.
3. Advise on ways to reduce our carbon footprint, Solar arrays, Geo Thermal, Net Zero, etc.
4. Advise on inclusion of minimum verifiable sustainability standards (LEED, Net Zero, LED’s, irrigation, Geo Thermal etc.) in our design standards.
5. Advise on waste diversion and reduction.
6. Be the green ambassadors for VIC.
7. Keep records of projects undertaken to improve sustainability on campus.
8. To meet semi-annually with formal minutes.
9. Liaison with UofT Tri-Campus Sustainability Committee to share and exchange green initiatives and information.
10. Prepare an annual report for the committee.
Few Long-term, future goals of this committee:
1. Link to Sustainability Committee and its initiatives on our website (Sustainability tab).
2. List accomplishments and future goals per sustainability.
3. Link to design standards on our website.
4. Ability to leave comments/suggestions.
5. Update sustainability tab at least annually.
6. Link to real-time utility use per facility- Dash Board.