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VWA | Vic Now: Current Issues at Victoria College

Jan 24, 2024 2:00p.m.

The Victoria Women's Association Presents: Vic NowWhere: Alumni Hall

About this Event: "Vic Now" with Kelley Castle, dean of Students; Shane Joy, VUSAC president; Louise Yearwood, executive director, Alumni Affairs and Advancement, provides updates on current issues confronting the Office of the Dean of Students, Vic students and alumni.

About the Speaker: Dean Kelley Castle leads the Office of the Dean of Students and is responsible for the oversight and strategic leadership of all non-academic student life and affairs, including non-academic student conduct and crisis response.

About the VWA Membership

Every fall, the Victoria Women's Association sends members and donors the membership/donation form, the new programme and the newsletter. The annual membership fee is $20 which may be paid at meetings by cash or by cheque, payable to the VWA. A cheque may also be mailed to the VWA mailing address below. If you wish to receive a receipt, please enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope. The VWA Executive keeps in touch with members and reminds them of upcoming meetings if a member so wishes. If informed, the Corresponding Secretary also sends cards to members for diverse reasons.

VWA Contact Information

Mailing Address: VWA, c/o Victoria Alumni Office, 150 Charles St. W., Suite 300, Toronto, ON M5S 1K9

