What's Happening
A Conversation with Prof. Hupfield: CANCELLED
Discussion on the centrality of spirituality within indigenous art practice and curation in Canada with Professor Maria Hupfield.
Sep. 27
- 8:30p.m.
Northrop Frye Centre Lecture | Hurricane Culture
The NFC is pleased to invite you to our first lecture of the academic year, given by Prof. Yairen Jerez ColumbiƩ (Trinity College Dublin).
Sep. 15
- 3:00p.m.
Alumni Reunion
Calling all Victoria College alumni for the Alumni Reunion from May 31-June 4! Join us in person or online to attend lectures and celebrate.
May 31
Jun. 03
Emmanuel College Black Student & Alumni Gathering
Members of the Emmanuel College Black student and alumni body are invited to an in-person lunch gathering on Monday, April 17, 2023, starting at noon.
Apr. 17
- 2:00p.m.
Celebration of the 20th Anniversary of Vic One
Join us as we celebrate the 20th Anniversary of the Vic One program! Help us mark a new chapter by joining us at one or all of these special events.
Apr. 12
- 7:00p.m.
Apr. 13
- 9:00p.m.
Editor's Perspective
Join us on Thursday, March 30 at 6 p.m. at EM302, Emmanuel College Building.
Mar. 30
- 8:00p.m.
Vic Research Day 2023
Research Day brings together Vic students from all disciplines and provides an opportunity to share your work with Vic Community
Mar. 27
- 6:00p.m.
Sovereign Utopias: A Panel on Indigenous Creativity
Join us for an online panel on Indigenous Creativity with Liz Howard, Billy-Ray Belcourt, and Joshua Whitehead.
Mar. 24
- 3:00p.m.