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  • Be familiar with your floor areas, exits and the locations of firefighting equipment.
  • Be aware of the designated waiting areas (see below).
  • Be familiar with building occupants who require assistance to evacuate their floor area.
  • Participate in fire drills.
  • Ensure you know who the Floor Fire Warden and Fire Warden Assistant are.
  • Follow instructions given by authorized personnel during evacuation.

 Where to Go During an Evacuation

Building Name/Address Rendezvous Location
Victoria College – 91 Charles Street West Quad
Northrop Frye Hall – 73 Queen’s Park Crescent Quad
Birge Carnegie – 95 Charles Street West North Side of Charles Street West
Emmanuel College – 75 Queen’s Park Crescent South Side of Emmanuel College
E.J. Pratt Library – 71 Queen’s Park Crescent Quad
Burwash Dining Hall – 91 Charles Street West Quad
Goldring Student Centre – 150 Charles Street West Goldring Student Centre courtyard
Isabel Bader Theatre – 93 Charles Street West North Side of Charles Street West

When the Fire Alarm Sounds

  • Familiarize yourself with the sound of the bells (one-stage or two-stage system), evacuate the building quickly even if the alarm is suspected or known to be false. It is mandatory for all University buildings to be evacuated upon the sounding of the building fire alarm.
  • Close all doors behind you.
  • Do not use the elevators.
  • Do not use personal devices while exiting the building.
  • Do not re-enter the building until authorized by an official of the University or the Fire Officer.
  • Keep clear of the building and go to the designated waiting area (see above). 

 In Case of Fire or Smoke

  • Leave the fire area immediately.
  • Check door for heat:
    • Before opening any doors, test the door for heat by using the back of your hand. If you burn your palms it may make it difficult for you to use them to open doors or crawl on the floor if needed.
    • If the door is hot, leave the door closed and unlocked. If you are in an office with no alternate exit, remain where you are and call 911 to alert them to your location. Otherwise, try an alternate exit.
    • If the door is not hot, brace yourself against the door and open slightly. If you feel air pressure or a hot draft, close the door quickly, leaving it unlocked. If you are in a room with no alternate exit, remain where you are and call 911 and alert them of your location. Otherwise, try an alternate exit.
    • If the door is not hot and you did not feel air pressure or a hot draft, walk to the nearest exit and leave the building. Make sure that doors to the affected area are closed.
  • Activate the fire alarm system by pulling the nearest fire alarm station as you leave the fire area.
  • Remain calm and use the nearest stairways to exit. Do not use the elevator. If you encounter smoke in the stairway use an alternate exit.
  • Go to the designated waiting area.
  • Do not return to the building until it is declared safe to do so by the Fire Department.
  • Once the fire department arrives on the scene, they will take full control of the building and advise you when it will be safe to return to the building.