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During the academic year, the Isabel Bader Theatre is used as a course lecture hall. From Labour Day to April 30, it is available for rent after 4 p.m. on Mondays to Fridays and from 6 p.m. on Wednesdays.

Availability from September to mid-April:

  • Monday to Friday: 4 p.m. to 2 a.m., or 6 p.m. to 2 a.m.
  • Saturday and Sunday: 6 to 2 a.m.

From mid-April to August: 

  • Monday to Sunday: 6 to 2 a.m.


Rental Rates

The base rate includes use of the theatre along with our in-house base technical gear. Any additional requirements should be noted in your application form. Your rental request should include ample set up and tear down time, as the space will not be set up until the start of your rental time.

View Rental Rates

Staffing Rates

There are additional staffing charges that are determined by the scope of your event.

  • IATSE technicians

$48/hour plus HST, for up to eight hours (premium charge for above eight hours), two techs minimum.

If you are taping, live streaming or recording your event, you will be charged a broadcast premium of 0.5x the prevailing rate of pay per technician. This fee is charged for the entire rental, not just the taped portion.

For every five hours of work per technician, you will be charged a $30 plus HST charge to cover a meal break. If your schedule allows for a complete shutdown of the facility for a meal break, you will not be charged this fee.

  • Front of house

$35.00 per hour plus HST for shift captain (mandatory), plus $30.00 per hour plus HST for shift crew (on a needs basis).

All staff are booked for a four-hour minimum, with a minimum of five staff for any event using both the orchestra and balcony levels of the theatre. If you only require the orchestra level, you may require less staff. 

  • Catering

All receptions must be handled through our food services department. Please include your reception request in your rental application for a more accurate quote. Our main lobby can hold up to 150 people for a standing reception on the orchestra level. If your group is larger, we can offer alternative spaces on campus (additional rental charges apply).

  • Insurance

All clients must provide proof of at least $2 million limited liability insurance, listing the Isabel Bader Theatre (93 Charles St. W.) as an additional insured on your event day. This requirement is standard for rental events and venues. You may use your preferred insurance provider or we can give recommendations.

Frequently Asked Questions

To see a general FAQ, click here.

For technical questions, click here.