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VWA | 125 Exhibit

Apr 19, 2023 9:00a.m.

This exhibit is on view in the E.J. Pratt Library, Victoria College, and will focus on the VWA's building of spaces, community and students at Vic.

About the VWA Membership

Every fall, the VWA sends members and donors the membership/donation form, the new programme and the newsletter. The annual membership fee is $20 which may be paid at meetings by cash or by cheque, payable to the VWA. A cheque may also be mailed to the VWA mailing address below. If you wish to receive a receipt, please enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope. The VWA Executive keeps in touch with members and reminds them of upcoming meetings if a member so wishes. If informed, the Corresponding Secretary also sends cards to members for diverse reasons.

VWA Contact Information

Mailing Address: VWA, c/o Victoria Alumni Office, 150 Charles St. W., Suite 300, Toronto, ON M5S 1K9

